webinar series "we4DRR: members in focus"

teaser for webinar series
Foto: we4DRR

The format "we4DRR: members in focus" was developed based on the ideas of we4DRR network members that we collected at the general assembly 2021.

The concept of "we4DRR: members in focus" is twofold: the first part will focus on the organisation and current activities of the expert. The second part will shed light on individual career paths, potential obstacles and solutions. With this format we would like to offer a space for showcasing our members, getting to know different organisations and offering insights on different career paths, hence tips and tricks for every participant.

Each webinar session is from 12:30 to 13:30. All our webinars are recorded and shared with our members afterwards and short articles are published on our website.

Our first series was in Spring 2022 with the following members: 

members in focus poster

The autumn series of the webinar also was held online in winter 2022 and 2023. It featured:

flyer for webinar series number 3

In summer 2023 our webinar series in the third edition featured one event with: 

The fourth edition of the webinar series featured three network members: 


The format is "members only" - if you would like to join and become a member, please write an e-mail to contact[at]we4drr.net - we will send you a short questionnaire to fill out, the membership is free.